~ Delta Poetry Review ~

carcinoma of the cervix


I plant the kitten

who was

a kinetic blur beneath

camellia buds about

to burst

in the Delta soil


inside me

January rain


we are children on the verge

of breakdown spilling

out into the

yard past-trotted by

a loose rottweiler


neatly struck in the street

a white pickup w/ monster truck tires


yoga for the pain

and to open

my hips this world

too fragile

to give to a child anyway


a trickle of blood on the concrete

another pocket in the Mississippi mud

Maia Elgin lives in the Mississippi Delta with her two cats, dog, and person. She has a chapbook, The Jennifer, with Birds of Lace and two poems in Rhythm & Bone's YANYR anthology. Her work has also been seen in Dark Marrow, Tarpaulin Sky, Ghost Town, Indigest, and Glitter Pony and is forthcoming in Cordella Magazine. With an MFA from LSU, Maia is an Assistant Professor at Delta State University.

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