~ Delta Poetry Review ~

Timothy L. Rodriguez


On a bank is a man

color of taupe; he

stands not tall nor

small, a between

not boy or man

and holds a cane

pole with a red

bobber just antsy

carrying on atop

the black water

as if tuned to blues

its white side rocks

and pops, infused

with glissandos

until the ball slides

gliding on a moonwalk

before the plug plunges

an underwent event

ever anticipated

but never expected.

Just then the sun

shapes his back sharp

and the line shines

diamond dicing dark

reflection dances.

Timothy L. Rodriguez has published in English and Spanish. Warren Publishing of Charlotte, NC, recently introduced his latest novella Never Is Now. His fiction and poems have appeared in over two dozen national and international publications including Main Street Rag, Heyday Magazine, Stoneboat Literary Journal (2017 Pushcart nomination), The Raven’s Perch; and the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. His essay "The Problem Now" appeared in the 5th edition of New Theory.

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