~ Delta Poetry Review ~

Robert Lowes

I Am Comfort: A Found Poem

Text from electric fan ads,

1900 through 1960

Superior to those breeze makers
in the hands of slaves.

Arctic Aire. Kwik Kool.
Jack Frost. Polar Cub.

Ready to search out
stagnant air. Lazy air. Bad air.

What a blessing Polar Cub is.
How grateful you are.

Lively air. Fountains of air.
Ocean breeze ahoy!

Don’t suffer this summer
as you did last.

The celebrities on this page
have the right idea.

Air-Jet Riviera. Sea Gull.
Imperial Silver Swan.

Bewitching. Smart as a Paris gown.
Its soft satin finish.

What cultured women
have long wanted.

She dresses in coolest comfort.
More and better work.

All the long sultry afternoon
when your friends are away at the lakes.

Phone for a fan.
Why swelter longer?

I stand between millions
and the blazing sun.

Robert Lowes is a writer in St. Louis, Missouri, whose first collection of poetry, An Honest Hunger (Resource Publications), was published in 2020. His poems have appeared in journals such as The New Republic, Southern Poetry Review, Big Muddy, and Modern Haiku. Mostly retired from a career in journalism, he plays rhythm guitar in a band at a local School of Rock program, updating his musical tastes since the British Invasion. Samples of his writing are available at robertlowes.com.

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